Troubleshoot problems with an update to your Xbox 360 console

❤️ Click here: How to get the original xbox 360 dashboard back

I've been searching for weeks but still don't know what will i do since some of the threads that I read is about softmodding.... I'm starting to think that microsoft did this just to piss people off. You can setup your games to run in 1080i and setup your dash to display in 480i or 480p.

Build an xboxhdm cd with my files. Problem is that I no longer or it appears this way have the original MS dashboard on my XBOX so I am unable to complete the operation.

Reverting to the Dashboard 'Blades'? - I have no blank CD's so I was wondering if I can just FTP them over to the XBOX or even copy them over with xplorer360? Once the program has finished running, your Xbox will restart and will be flashed of any system updates.

Hi guys, Is there anyway to revert to the original style Xbox 360 menu system - i. I'm sure there are alot of people who like the current system but I am old, boring and just want a sensible menu system. Hi guys, Is there anyway to revert to the original style Xbox 360 menu system - i. I'm sure there are alot of people who like the current system but I am old, boring and just want a sensible menu system. Hi guys, Is there anyway to revert to the original style Xbox 360 menu system - i. I'm sure there are alot of people who like the current system but I am old, boring and just want a sensible menu system. As GMC79 said there is no option to revert. Coupled with this when changes emerge in the future you have to install the update otherwise you cannot proceed. All system updates are compulsory. Interesting to see you here Rasczak, didn't know you were into games. Thought bashing the Lib Dems was your focal forte Click to expand... Games come in many forms I've always enjoyed my video games - mostly PC based though - but I struggle to find much time for them these days Having some fun with the Xbox 360 at the moment though with Star Trek: Legacy and Apache Air Assault. Disappointing about not being able to revert the dashboard - although I can't say I'm surprised. Just a shame because with the blades everything was obvious whereas I now have to cycle through loads of menus to 'find' what I want and, as someone in their 40s, I don't think I am really compatible with the avatar system. Disappointing about not being able to revert the dashboard - although I can't say I'm surprised. Just a shame because with the blades everything was obvious whereas I now have to cycle through loads of menus to 'find' what I want and, as someone in their 40s, I don't think I am really compatible with the avatar system. Age has nothing to do with it. It's clear you're simply not 'fun' enough to appreciate oversized cartoony heads. Get a sense of humor man. In all seriousness, I'm with ya. I don't know if its an age thing or not, I'm about to hit 40 this year myself. I suspect there will be 40yo+ that like the avatars. But personally speaking, I hate them. MS obviously was inspired by Nintendo's Mii avatars. I don't mind the layout of the new dashboard, I just hate the childish looking avatars. In all seriousness, I'm with ya. I don't know if its an age thing or not, I'm about to hit 40 this year myself. I suspect there will be 40yo+ that like the avatars. But personally speaking, I hate them. MS obviously was inspired by Nintendo's Mii avatars. I don't mind the layout of the new dashboard, I just hate the childish looking avatars. There is an app in Kinect Fun Labs to make an avatar based on your image, but I don't think you can then save it. The problem with dashboards is far more than cosmetic. There's a lot of new functionality you get with a new dash that MS would have to retro-fit to all other dashes, and the whole update process would take a lot longer than it does now. When MS rewrote the dash to fix it's massive performance issues they really sorted those out they could have given it the old blade skin, or a choice of skins to choose from without having any affect on functionality underneath. MS instead wanted to re-brand Xbox from the hardcore image it had to the family friendly avatar nonsense we have today. They didn't get rid of the blades because they didn't work, or were hard to use, but because it was hard to fill them with adverts and appeal to toddlers. The fact they kept the blades for the mini-dash was a concession to the fact many would hate the new dash, MS kept touting that you could still use the blades if you wanted to via the mini-dash, and god help us when MS get rid of them. When MS rewrote the dash to fix it's massive performance issues they really sorted those out they could have given it the old blade skin, or a choice of skins to choose from without having any affect on functionality underneath. MS instead wanted to re-brand Xbox from the hardcore image it had to the family friendly avatar nonsense we have today. They didn't get rid of the blades because they didn't work, or were hard to use, but because it was hard to fill them with adverts and appeal to toddlers. The fact they kept the blades for the mini-dash was a concession to the fact many would hate the new dash, MS kept touting that you could still use the blades if you wanted to via the mini-dash, and god help us when MS get rid of them. Nothing to do with functionality? Of course MS wanted some of the wider market, that makes sense, but to criticise for making a front end that is easy to use while containing a large amount of content is quite an achievement. No, not perfect, but my point stands that to retrofit old dashes for little benefit makes no sense. It's a lot of investment to please a vast minority. Cynicism shouldn't blind you to the fact the ads are less intrusive if anything, I remember the blades had about 30% of their area taken by a giant ad. No, not perfect, but my point stands that to retrofit old dashes for little benefit makes no sense. It's a lot of investment to please a vast minority. Cynicism shouldn't blind you to the fact the ads are less intrusive if anything, I remember the blades had about 30% of their area taken by a giant ad. If the blades could have been maintained and the new features implemented with them and I don't understand why they couldn't have been then it wouldn't be so much of an issue with a lot of investment to keep up the old look, if anything it would surely have been cheaper? I understand with things like Kinect then the blades might have not been so user friendly however I don't want Kinect and don't understand why I should be lumbered with an operating system to accomodate a product I don't have interest in. I also don't want my xbox slowed down when I'm searching for games on my HDD - whether this is because licenses etc need to be checked I don't know - but the thing that gets me is that the adverts, be they solid pictures or streaming clips, get the priority from MS to load on my screen, all on a service which I pay for? Surely there should only be adverts on a silver membership... In regards to the adverts, I appreciate there is possibly less 'on-screen' % taken up per screen but there is also a lot less 'user-functions' available per screen, previously it would be 1-3 or so adverts to every option in different categories, not so much now in my eyes. The biggest bug-bear really is the speed though, the xbox boots slower, it searches it's HDD slower and this is only after the first instance of course so I know for certain that the box CAN find games on my HDD quicker than 1 minute search each time I boot a game - I don't care for all the fancy nonsense but it's forced on me, I want it all to be optional so I can strip the box back to basics if I want. MS have forced so much on us over the years with scant regard for our personal tastes and wants out a console. I want to play games on my console and not use it as a media hub, I don't want it as a family orientated affair, I don't want it to use to get fit, I want to use it to play games first and foremost and very little else and don't see why I should be lumbered with a bunch of 'useless' extras Wow, just reading through, never realised how crooked some of you lot are. Thats all I gotta say, if ya want the blades, push the guide button. MS arent trying to control anyone, as has been stated, ads were worse with the blades. This is 2011, not 2005. The console has to move with the times. It isnt THAT slow for one, looking up to date IS important. Use your brain and realise that if you were allowed to play online on an older firmware, you are a security risk. And watch the anger broooooo, all unnecessary really. It should have been, Adapt or be left behind. But I do prefer adapt or die. Sounds more, 'edgy' I swear when I talk, AVF makes it look worse cos it stars everything out, all I was saying was that the games console I bought to play games is being hindered in it's basic functions by a bunch of updates that I neither wanted nor had any control over being able to accept. And I don't see how the implementation of a new front-end has anything to do with security, MS could implement all they've implemented and keep the old skin or better yet let us choose what crap we want DL'd onto our games console. I only want to play games and do game related things, the xbox is becoming jack of all trades these days as MS try to implement things which it was never initially supposed to be doing all in the name of progress and it's at the cost of it's core function. By all means have the all singing all dancing one... If you want that, if you want one purely for playing on you should be able to strip out all the unneccesary crap.

Xbox Dashboard Speed Test! (Blades V. Metro) Xbox Slowing Down?
Since its not being used lately, i got some E07 saying that I need difference support. Previously it was UnleashX and before that it was an old version of EvoX. All system updates are compulsory. Thats only if you finish with a WORKING console. Continue holding both of the buttons until you see an Xbox 360 logo on the fub. This interface has undergone constant small tweaks since its introduction, including stuff like a battery life indicator and a better snapping system.